Riverbend Springs – Map Preview

Riverbend Springs - Map Preview

DjGoHam Gaming got another exclusive chance to play a bit in the American map – Riverbend Springs in Farming Simulator 25. It’s worth to mention that while this was playing it’s still in developing mode and many things will be updated and enhanced before the final release.

DJ crossed one of many bridges in the map and entered a town. It’s fairly small town with a lot of bent roads so as he joked most likely you will not see many drag races in the town.

Driving on the off read DJ reached a tower. And you can climb up to it and see most of the map from the sky high view.

Riverbend Springs - Map Preview

Next DJ drove a bit in a field and located one of the main key signature buildings of the map – water tower. It’s perfect to make a screenshot as well.

Another bridge, that looks very American and next to it there is one of new production chain buildings, sadly it’s still hard to say what it could be. If you guys have a clue what it could be leave a comment below.

The most footage is available in the video is the animal dealer. We can see pigs, cattle’s, horses, sheep’s. The whole building set up is quite huge.

Next DJ arrives at another farm building set up for cows. A lot of this has already been displayed in the previous articles. We can see buildings, cows in the view with the newest addition to the franchise baby animals.

DJ arrives to another farm sunset flower farm. This was also already seen before with another epic screenshot of the whole area just this time we got to see everything from behind and what is available in the farm. Another first.

We reach another bridge and old ship carrying grain. This is also part of the first video trailer clip that was released earlier.

Moving around water section we can see more ships and a barge. DJ went to it and got from one side to another. It’s worth to mention that the process is a bit slow. Also you cannot drive while being on the ship. Once it’s docked only then you can start moving.

Dj visited paper mill. This has been shown quite a bit before, but we can see more details of the production chain set up. With instructions how to produce paper. Seeing water wheel and so on. Yet again, this is not final and most likely a lot of enhancements will be done here as well.

We arrive at a rice plantation set up. We seen this a lot as well before but DJ wanted to show something else here. If we can see the tractor tires are dry and then out of nowhere DJ goes in to the water and boom we can see water on the tires, waves. This looks very nice addition to the game.

You heard DJ right, there will be more then one town in the map. At the beginning we where at the new town and now we reached the old town and it has a football stadium in it. It looks definitely unfinished and it’s not possible to do anything in it at least at this stage of game developing. But we will see if it will be possible to play or it’s just a cool decoration to the town.

We also arrive to a playground with a rope set up. We can also make rope in the game. It’s still hard to say how this will be in the final version of the map and how you will be able to use it. Also there is a toy shop with toys and equipment to build it.

And that’s it for this time. A lot of new information about the map. More then one new feature explained more then we known before. And we can’t wait to see even more in near future.

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