I am excited to release my Danish map for you. This is a homemade map where the main area is Nord Jylland, Denmark. I have spent around 500 hours creating this map, and I truly hope you enjoy it!
Features of the map include:
2 Farms
1 Biogas Plant
1 Grain Mill
1 Shop
1 Workshop
1 Heating Plant
I hope you have a great time playing on my map.
Hjælp.. kan man ikke får gården til at så man kan sove i den. går 1 og 2 elser ser det godt ud. “har osse prøvet at slete gården men ugen hel” så man kunne sætte et andet hus osse tså måske en bredere port i maskinhalleren
a nice map but unfortunately there are a lot of errors in the log file