US Flatlands 4X V4.3

US Flatlands 4X v1.0

Here is a fairly basic US style flat lands map (4X)
200 Fields of varying sizes
Ideal for field farmers
No animal trading or carpentry/sawmill yet
there are selling points and produtction points to get you going
I will be updating as I go hopefully.


Added Spirits and distillery (credits to ZoddelZockt for the FS22 original)
Added Rye, Hops and Millet crops
Fixed crashing when trying to load saved game
Fixed animal trader

Added new products
Added Grain Selling point (for Rye, Millet and Hops)
Added Brewery with a number of lagers

Fixed DPU: Frame buffer scaling error
Fixed field 132
Added new productions
Added a few extra roads

I have completely revamped the map, most production points and sale points are standard so should reduce errors. There is only standard crops and a new farm area as well as one other empty one for you to build your own on.

There are plenty more trees and a remapped train line.

You can’t upgrade any previous versions, this will need a new Save game.

US Flatlands Map 4x v3.0
AI traffic on all roads
Added Rail crossing lights
Workers seem to be able to get to where they’re going now (must be tied in with AI road system)
Train is back to default speed to make crossings more realistic
I would suggest a new save game so you don’t lose anything

Meadow is back
Added some more products
Image warnings should be gone
Replaced a few buildings
Generally tidied up fields

Workshop added
Rye and mustard crops fixed
Road collisions fixed
Fixed bushes not being available to paint

Mission vehicles are back
Added new products (breads/flour) (textures courtesy of SGA from FS22)
Added Rye, Millet, Mustard and Hops (Hops uses Maize Header, the other 3 use grain header)
Added background to make it look less bland in distance
I have checked the road collisions and they are there, so unsure why some may see vehicles sink (I haven’t seen it), will look at it further
File size has increased due to additional textures needed.
I had to make some minor changes to fields, so you may need a new save game

Here is a fairly basic US style flat lands map (4X)
Mission vehicles should be back
Animal dealer and Vehicle shop location icons back on map
Made bakery larger
No new save game needed


Added: Fixed Grain Mill points
Added: Added river (means a new save game if you want to use it as fields have changed)
Added: Added brewery
Added: Added additional products (I have done a lot of testing so all should work, Sugar Mill, Bakery and Brewery)
Added: Paintable grass is quite tricky, so have made all the other land Mowable meadow, which will also cycle through various growth stages, so continuously re-grows.

Fixed Gas Stations
Added starting farm area (all sellable)
Raised road system as it was too level with the ground and snow could show through it. (may be reason some equipment was catching too)

Replaced all meadows for grass
Added some more fencing and a lime station
Adjusted some more of the ‘balder’ areas, now have grass
Added Cement Factory
Replaced Dairy
Fixed my horribly done BGA!
Added Forest Roots and Asphalt dirt textures

Stones work, fertilizing works, train works and production points work. The only thing not tested fully is the sawmill and Carpenter.
200 Fields of varying sizes
This will obviously require a new save game and I am still learning..

There are too many changes to list but I have tested thoroughly this time and have removed hops now as this was causing issues
200 Fields of varying sizes
A number of the production points have been altered and the foliage adjusted to be able to create fields.
I have spent several months growing and harvesting crops with generla field work without issue.
Reports of implements sinking into the field, this has only happened with the modded Kinze Planter for me, so suggest not using it.
Fertilizing and stones, they seem to work for me, I will continue checking.
This will obviously require a new save game.

v1.3.1: Fixed Grain and Oilplant sellpoints.

Added Hops crop (uses Maize header)
Added another store and cafe
Added a Lays Factory (for potato chips)
Added some road signage and railroad signage
Add brewery (original by giants/TheSnake from FS22)

200 Fields of varying sizes

One man show, so I’ve tested as best I can. Suggest new save game to prevent possible errors.

Added Train and 2 Grain elevators (one is the EU one as I am not a mdoeller)
Sped up train slightly due to map size
Replaced License Plates for US style
Added additional ponds

Fixed Sawmill (placement and floating objects)
Replaced roads for US roads
Removed random hydrant in road

Updated to fix height issues with Bakery and Sugar Mill.
Added animal trader, sawmill and carpenter



4.4/5 - (51 votes)

Download mod

File File size
zip FS25_USFlatLandsv4_3 376 MB
zip FS25_USFlatLands4x_V3_0 1 GB

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Dude… the ground keeps eating my tractor and roller in field 3! I’ve been playing without issue for 9 hours but apparently field 3 is hungry. I’ve tried different tractors and rollers.


Nice map, the map owner said he fixed the animal trader in this last update, but it is still not showing up in my game. Everything else seems pretty good though.


not in mine either. hasnt been there for several versions now even when he says its fixed

Russell L Gulley

no mods crash!!resetting graphics…crash!!all versions up to and including v4.3. I have never been able to open been able to open and see this map..could it be a giants problem? HELP!!

Russell L Gulley

not sure what is required to get shaders to work..but a lot of us have that problem…all the way to loading 100%…and shaders hangs the finish of opening the map…it is not mods ..tried that…it is not a weak computer problem…it is not a driver problem for graphics…help!!!


Just a shot in the dark here, but maybe delete or move your shader_cache folder to your desktop and let the game make you a new one. I don’t know if that will fix your problem but it is something to try.


No field areas of the map show needing lime….areas that are not an actual field.


vehicle shop not marked. why do you not add the animal dealer back in?


When I choose “New Farmer” I expect it to be an empty plot and no vehicles to sell. Please fix this


hello there mr geeman72 can you update this plz


I’ve spent almost 200 hours on v3.0 of this map and am absolutely loving it. I put it on 14 day months at 0.5speed and cheat in 24 million to buy up land with the goal being to pay back the cheated in money and then some. Thanks for the great map!


les pomme de terre son de couleur noir sur la map flatland


Crashes when attempting to re-load save game every time. No other mods activated in game save.


I’m unsure if this is a map issue or game, but doing wood transport contracts is not working. On most, not all, probably 80% there is not enough logs. When you sell everything, the contract only shows between 60% and 80% complete.


Ill have to restart after 60% loading

Dixie Angel

do we need to start over again if currently playing 2.8? please let us know getting lots of hours in this game and like most tired of starting over


it would be nice to know what was updated in the update


There is a changelog above the download link on this page. This is the most recent changes.
US Flatlands Map 4x v3.0
AI traffic on all roads
Added Rail crossing lights
Workers seem to be able to get to where they’re going now (must be tied in with AI road system)
Train is back to default speed to make crossings more realistic
I would suggest a new save game so you don’t lose anything


v2.9 – Warning:FS25_USFlatLands4x/map/placeables/workshop/workshop.xml): Missing leveling areas

  • just thought you should know….still like the map, but can we work on not having to restart every update??

I don’t know what is going on with liquid lime, but the hired help will not buy it. also i cant figure out where to get yeast for the bakery???


It’s in the sugar mill on the southeast corner of the map.


I cant start game with this map, it comes to about 88% and game crash. Can someone tell me what is problem?


mod conflict

joe bloggs

Try lowering your graphics settings. I have had this issue with many maps. It’s because they are not optimized properly or there are errors in the files somewhere, but lowering the graphics settings always fixes it for me.


in the construction menu there several paint textures no longer included. Please include them again..


forest Clover is everywhere, where meadow was at


2024-12-19 06:02  Warning: Invalid brand name ”! Only capital letters and underscores allowed. Using Lizard instead.
2024-12-19 06:02 Info: Failed to request rc, HTTP code 0
2024-12-19 06:02  Warning: ‘Marko’ is an unknown brand! Did you mean ‘MACK’? Using ‘LIZARD’ instead!


Ok i spent some time testing and finally tracked down 1 of the problem spots where AI is breaking in its route planing. This is version 2.8 now. But it is at the intersection between fields 94/97 -65/66. Along the train line. Cant add screenshots here but can email or w/e if you need more infos. You will know when ya hit it as ya see the tractor dip downwards as you cross the intersection.


@Josh… Map loads and runs fine for me. pretty much with 0 conflicts other than from other mods. I suggest starting the map with a clean mod folder (No mods) and go from there. Just downloaded Version 2.8 but only comment i have in regards to gameplay in 2.6 was the lack of traffic splines. Couldnt send Ai to drive deliver etc. But great map and ty for the ongoing effort!


on update 2.6 and no mission vehicles and unable to accept any missions. at least the map loaded finally and the PDA overlay looks fixed. really wanting to play on this map but getting tired of all the updates that dont fix the issues.


Map stops loading into my career at different percentages. I have 2.5 downloaded.


The tires of the vehicles are sinking into the street. It would be good if you fix it.

Farmer bob

If I could get the AI to drop off materials for me, I would play this for thousands of hours. From my understanding you need to add AI splines to the roadways.


v2.3 – Trees in East Side of FLD 76 / Doubled Trees in the south of starting farm / is there supposed to be a placeable at FLD 199 North, just loads a blank black tile for me…. everything else looks awesome, liking the updates!!


2 floating light fixtures in front of animal dealer


Floating / Double trees – FLD 202
Floating Trees – FLD 125-128 area


Yea i cant load this version of the map but i can load 2.1 looks like it has a lot of compatibility issues with the mods i have downloaded. Everything also worked fine on v 1.3.1


seems like the layers or messed up. grass does not erase when creating new field. ai workers are coastally getting getting stuck in the ground and needs reset.


Love the map but put in a town and traffic. Someone needs to do some nice houses we can go in and nicer sheds & barns


This version of the roadbed of the west unloading point of the grain silo is a bit problematic




I like it! I like fields, I like the flatness I like everything about it!


any updates coming soon loving the map so far on our server


Why no starting farm or even a plot that has farm buildings?


for every update have to start from scratch again ?

Cannot just replace v2 with v2.1


It’s going to be a good map


Needs ai splines on roadways for ai to work aright. That is why the you can’t use the ai to drive to a destination


Some sort of placeable not loading in FLD 190-191


Nice map! Looks like being able to paint grass is not working in the in-game construction tool??


Thank you for your effort. Could you please add a language folder? This will make it easier for us to translate into our own country’s language and facilitate gameplay. Thank you again for your contribution.language!


Beer and lays chips pallet you cant load in Trailer and sell. When i want put animal say you can’t use Fender here . Please fix


when starting a new career it hit;s 100% and game crashes. Game version: Farming Simulator 25 – v1.2.1.0

Hi! the hops are not worth it, you can't harvest them! The map is great!
JT Faber

This map definitely will be a big hit once finished. Only major thing I can see is the AI helpers can only “Go To’ in a straight line. Once they can be send anywhere on the map it will already be amazing. Will the updated automatically be added to the map we downloaded? If not, how will we know when you do have an update?


While the map(size) is deff needed, I’ll wait for it to mature(less errors/restarting updates)


big seeder and plows glitch into the map and cant move, rice fields dont work as well


This happens also with the Streiger, the BigM, and some combines. It isn’t repeatable on-demand so its hard to pin down the cause. Outside of that and a couple of the pre-placeables not working, I am happy to see this map from FS22 so soon here on FS25. I have 50 hours on this one already.


There are too many fields. It would be great if you reduce the number of fields. Or a new map but let the number of fields be less, let it be 4x.


Some of your peaceable aren’t working after the new update….

2024-11-30 10:14  Error: Selling station placeable with uniqueId ‘fdef8b1b-a8fb-4c7e-8be5-139aa0a7ae0e’ not available for harvest mission
2024-11-30 10:14  Error: Selling station placeable with uniqueId ‘9e4a91ba-bb98-45bd-9a83-529a977d50dc’ not available for harvest mission
2024-11-30 10:14  Error: Selling station placeable with uniqueId ‘9e4a91ba-bb98-45bd-9a83-529a977d50dc’ not available for harvest mission
2024-11-30 10:14  Error: Selling station placeable with uniqueId ‘fdef8b1b-a8fb-4c7e-8be5-139aa0a7ae0e’ not available for harvest mission
2024-11-30 10:14  Error: Selling station placeable with uniqueId ‘fdef8b1b-a8fb-4c7e-8be5-139aa0a7ae0e’ not available for harvest mission
2024-11-30 10:14  Error: Selling station placeable with uniqueId ‘9e4a91ba-bb98-45bd-9a83-529a977d50dc’ not available for harvest mission
2024-11-30 10:14  Error: Selling station placeable with uniqueId ‘9e4a91ba-bb98-45bd-9a83-529a977d50dc’ not available for harvest mission
2024-11-30 10:14  Error: Selling station placeable with uniqueId ‘9e4a91ba-bb98-45bd-9a83-529a977d50dc’ not available for harvest mission
2024-11-30 10:14  Error: Selling station placeable with uniqueId ‘9e4a91ba-bb98-45bd-9a83-529a977d50dc’ not available for harvest mission
2024-11-30 10:14  Error: Selling station placeable with uniqueId ‘fdef8b1b-a8fb-4c7e-8be5-139aa0a7ae0e’ not available for harvest mission

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x