Brewery and hop plantation V1.0.1

Brewery and hop plantation v1.0.1

Here, I present to you my brewery and a hop plantation.

Information about the brewery:
Cost: €140,000
Maintenance: €850

Required goods:
190,000 liters of barley
190,000 liters of hops
190,000 liters of wheat
50,000 liters of empty barrels
190,000 liters of water

Output goods:
100,000 liters of ERDINGER
100,000 liters of HACKLBERG
100,000 liters of BECKS
100,000 liters of PUNTIGAMER

Information about the hop plantation:
Cost: €55,500
Maintenance: €850

Required goods:
200,000 liters of water
60,000 liters of seeds
60,000 liters of mineral fertilizer
150,000 liters of manure

Output products:
Hops per pallet: 2,000 liters
Storage capacity at the plantation: 300,000 liters

The light can be turned on and off at the light switch located on the outside of the shelter.
A huge thank you goes to ZoddelZockt for the permission and provision of the hop plantation.


AustriaModding Sascha

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zip FS25_Brauerei_mit_Hopfenplantage 36 MB

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