Papenburg Map 4-fold
I hereby present to you the Papenburg Map v2 4K
It is a 4-fold map
– It has 105 fields with a total of 1042.9 hectares
– 44855 trees
– Several sales points and productions. (If something is missing, let me know)
– Attention!! There is traffic but be careful at the large intersection, they only drive straight ahead. Until I have installed new, functioning traffic lights, pay attention or deactivate traffic.
– There is a small starting yard with a few machines. Only the bare essentials for now! There will be a proper yard in a future update.
– The decoration is not yet complete. Will come in the next updates
Known problems:
There are a few invalid case warnings on the dedicated server. I will correct these in due course.
It can happen that the course generator puts a few jagged edges in the courses at the edge of the field. But it works.
Modular BGA: PlanET Modular BGA
– New PDA
– Cowshed without pasture revised: feed/straw trigger set correctly/Buffallo milk added (overwrite stable for those who already have it)
– No new savegame required!!!
Unpack Map Rar archive with Winrar —>right mouse button —>unpack after—move files from the folder to the mod folder
sales outlets visible again
Papenburger map 2.3.3
– Farm configuration revised
– duplicate buildings deleted
New savegame required!!!!!!
Papenburger Map 2.3.2
Changelog: **Read**
– DPU sacling error fixed **finally 3 crosses**
– Large cowshed on the main farm replaced by cowshed with feeding robot
– Shed cowshed thrown out
– Marker icon errors from the farmhouses fixed
– all buildings now have FarmID “0” and run with “buywithfarmland”
– Mod pack included in the rar, no more separate download
**NEW savegame required!!!!!!!! (Sorry, but I can’t make a separate version for everyone)**
Changelog 2.3.1a
Competitive Mp.xml reinstalled…sorry;(
Changelog 2.3.1
DPU: Frame buffer scaling error (larger than the primary) errors fixed
delete all infolayers from save: InfoLayer_plow /infoLayer_weed /infoLayer_lime / infoLayer_stubbleShredLevel /infoLayer_rollerLevel infoLayer_sprayLevel
**Changelog: 2.3.0**
**Please read carefully and don’t just skim over it!!!!!**
– The most important thing first: the terrain now has 1 pixel per unit as it should. Hope that helps with the bug fixes. Only Gianst will be able to get rid of it completely.
– Max height of tippable fruit increased to 8 m!!!
– Farm2 Engelnhof installed, see pictures
– Farm3 BGA installed, see pictures
– Farm4 Pigs and chickens, Kramer farm installed
– 2 open spaces for farms or production installed.
– Competitive multiplayer xml inserted and configured
– Cars parked across the bakery removed
– Main farm1 Berlage converted
– Farm5 Anneken farm installed
– Rigid body for water inserted
– Only the main farm has machines!! For now
**Error with picture and log!!!! And post questions in support on Discord (collaboration) Detailed description of the problem**
**Important A new savegame must be started in any case.!!!! **
Last moment change:** Spruces replaced by new prefabs. **
Changelog 2.2.9a
-small bugfix (required bit of farmland deleted 136) “Ali is not to blame” 😥
No new save required
– Farmlands/fields slightly adjusted (all can now be bought and sold) Tested!!! Hopefully……
– Signs at the sawmill moved.
– More decorative bushes (not finished yet).
– Music pieces only half volume.
– Lantern and guide post moved at the can factory.
– Missing green strips repainted under 107.
– Start configuration changed
(4 more fields have been planted!! Field1 wheat, field2 barley, field3 corn, field4 grass, field5 rapeseed, field10 grass, field69 grass,
field55 corn
– Pöttinger Boss swapped for Fendt Tigo 75X.
– Cow pasture removed and replaced with cowshed with feeding robot.
– Farm field or farmland division changed Farm area with meadow now separate from field 1 and field 69 (see picture) Farm area now farmland 135
– Tire tracks for wheat, barley, corn, millet, oats, rapeseed, soybeans added (ignore warning for corn)
– Better lime texture and distance…you won’t go blind anymore
– Not necessarily a new game required. But recommended.
– lod.type.cache and Delete nmap.cache so that the drawings that I have changed are updated. Your drawings (asphalt etc.) must be renewed.
If you don’t mind what is currently growing on your fields: delete densityMap_ground.gdm, densityMap_groundFoliage.gdm and densityMap_fruits.gdm from the savegame. Then they will be reloaded from the map. Then changes will be adopted. Your drawn grass etc. must be repainted.
If you play with a standard farm, insert farmland.xml <farmland id=”135″ farmId=”1″/> below above farmland255 !!!!
– Field 64 teleport and field indicator correctly positioned.
– Forest separated from field 64 (Farmland 74).
– Farmland 118 relocated to the forest on the opposite side from the sawmill.
– Sawmill only on Farmland 117.
– Missing dirt roads painted. (not visible if cache is not cleared.) Delete terrain.lod.type.cache and terrain.nmap.cache from save. Not mandatory!
– Traffic signs set.
– Field 2 strips removed and lime strips removed at the top. (not visible without save manipulation)
– Field 119 became a farmland (top left).
– Farmland 83 reduced in size.
– Field indicator and teleporter moved from field 105.
– Farmland 121 hidden from map
-No new savegame required!!!
Attention: The night is darker and this may also affect your day…. You may have to increase the game brightness. (I have it on 1.4 now)
Changelog 2.2.7
– Unnecessary farmlands are hidden. And others are moved.
– Farmlands assigned to the right NPCs (oops) so you can no longer get the order to plow a forest.
– You can only buy the BGA at 109 (the farmland is automatically bought with it)
– Brighter street lanterns.
– Wood deadwood/transport/stone missions fixed!!!
– Field 89 separated (corner made into a new field) but now lies together with 89 because I don’t want to force you to use a new savegame procedure.
– BGA silos deleted from map (can cause an error when loading the savegame that they cannot be loaded).
– BGA silo added as a mod to place yourself.
No new savegame required
Version 2.2.6
Rar Unpack for those who can’t read unzip me- unpack ….read Readme
– Colli added to large bridge
– invisible Colli removed from dairy
– terrain adapted to gas station 2 (please paint away the weeds and grass at the back.
– missing Colli added to concrete in BGA
– configuration of starting conditions fixed (if you want to start from zero, you start from 0)
– missing water tarpaulin added
no new savegame required!!!!!
Version 2.2.5
– Field 40 revised again
– Field 78 revised
– Water tarpaulin warning removed
– Field entrances added
– map.xml swapped back
– Field 51 corrected
– Collectibles added with slightly increased rewards as compensation (thanks to patrik/mezzo)
– New PDA (thanks to patrik/mezzo)
– New lights for the gas stations (thanks to patrik/mezzo)
Changelog 2.2.4:
– Biogas plant installed.
– Water plane changed (only where there should be water) so that rice fields can be created.
– Fields 40 and 123 straightened (course generator works).
– Traffic rebuilt!!!
– 4 manure storage facilities installed (done)
– Silos installed for BGA (done)
– Optical corrections
– placeables.xml reduced (shouldn’t give any more warnings on the Dedi now)
– Sugar factory installed
– Biomass power plant installed
– Potato processing plant installed
– Spinning mill installed
– Old gas stations restored
– Tutorial added to supplement how to transfer the old and new data to your new save game. There will always be one now if major changes have been made!!!!
Version 2.2.2
– Fixed the trigger at the grain mill.
– Removed grass in some places on the road.
– Removed weeds on the sawmill site.
– Ditches at the gardener’s ditch and line removed, fields reduced accordingly.
– Other bugfixes
Attention New savegame required!!!!
2.2.0 Changelog
– Area behind house at the intersection leveled
– Parked cars placed more or less correctly
– Colis placed in paved driveways.
– Gaps in the sidewalks fixed in some places.
– “Invalid Case” errors removed.
– Grass removed from sidewalks in some places.
– Collis placed by some houses
– Floating trees removed/fixed
- Mission spawn and hotspots installed.
Is there any chance of correcting the timber transportation contracts? They continue to not deliver the tree logs to the location indicated in the contract.
It’s a lovely map, wide and with good variety, but a question. From field 27 there is a road to the south with a sign closed for traffic except working vehicles, very nice but from the store i cannot send a helper to field 63 , i get the message destination not reachable. Is it blocked by something? is it a one way street in the beginning of the road? The A1 has some little troubles finding the very small roads it seems. hope it can be fixed. we are waiting to start this map for our multiplayer games. best regards and keep up mthe good work
After playing for a while and saving a few times it will not let you purchase any vehicles
I looked at the new version of the map, the points of sale are available but certain buildings on the starting farm cannot be removed
Map dosn’t load more then 60%
NO selling points PC
I love this map
after 3 new save games i hope this is the last one ??
realy nice and good map Ty
Still no selling points
I bought 109 and i cant open the doors on the sheds and also looks like one of them are in the ground a little. great map keep up the great work
ther do i get all the placebles you have in ther
NO selling points for me also…
No selling points, no standard garage with the shop where you can paint en sell vehicles
Unless I’m blind or looking on the wrong tab, sell points are not showing on the map (PC)
Não está…
what’s with maps with trees surrounding fields, its a AI disaster waiting to happen and just a pain in general driving around
Continua sem pontos de venda e fábricas
Qual .xml eu consigo mudar os preços dos grãos?
Ainda sem os pontos de vendas e fábricas…
Não estão aparecendo nenhum ponto de venda e nem de produção no mapa. Pelo menos para mim!
When starting game the two grassfields are ready to harvest. But when i try hire worker i get message worker stopped cause field is worked or not ready for harvet.
23 hours in game time, harvesting, breeding cows and trying to sell silage.
Unfortunately, the Farmers Market took my silage but didn’t pay for it. The Biomass facility however did pay.
Also, I can not plant trees even when there are none in the area, it gives an error “Too many trees.”
My grass fields have now gone 4 months into the harvesting season, but still say “growing” and are not “Ready to harvest.”
I guess I’ll go back to Zielonka until these issues are fixed.
Thanks for the effort though, it’s a great looking map with good sized fields.
Mapa não inicia no servidor “Error: Unable to activate map mod”
Os assistentes continuam afundando os implementos nos campos
Campo 40 continua sem linhas de assistente
I can’t load the map to the server
best map ever but issue with trees, can’t plant them. says to many trees!
for a point of sale that sells everything on the map
I presume to upgrade from version 2.2.0 to 2.2.5 you’d have to start a new game?
Loving this map for multiplayer, but would like to upgrade to current revision if it doesn’t mean restarting.
Great Map. I’ve been playing only 1 day about 5 hours and so far there is only 1 issue I have. The wood transport contracts are broken. When you go to the field area and there is no wood there to move.
thank you for this map but there are to many errors in de game
field 1 2 3 that are yours rollers they get stockin the field and wont come out
field 40 workers says no field found
on the road bij field 108 there is grass growing on the road
keep up the goeed work because ik and many more like tis map greetings
I have multible faults in contracts. But I have to say, this is one of the best maps I have seen for a long time. keep up the god work.
Getting ‘No Field Found’ errors while contract fertilizing on field 123. Also with default harvester you start with on field 2 (though windrower seems fine with it).
pourquoi la map plante a chaque fois que je la charge,papenburger
Absolutely love the size of the fields on this one. Makes all the large equipment worthwhile. Nice job. Also, great work getting out the first viable community sourced map I’ve seen.
Its obvious there was a bunch of time put in to making this map.
I am having issues with landscaping on this map, have not been getting it on New Frontier, so I am not sure if it is all Giants related. I had raised the ground with a misplaced item, removed the item the ground would not level. Since I had just started, it made me quit. Also too many homes with fences all over the place. Feels extra congested, jmo.