Riverbend Springs Map Preview

Riverbend Springs Map Preview

Giants have just revieled more information on the upcoming new map – Riverbend Springs. The map was already presented at the FarmCon but now we get to see more details and screenshots of it.

Riverbend Springs Map Preview

Celebrating Water

You don’t have to ask where the name comes from when you look at the map of Riverbend Springs. A huge, winding river, lots of water, and many little creeks and streams in between. A ferry, too. If you’re wondering, how to get across the river – crossing it with a ferry fit for your machine is an option!

Riverbend Springs Map Preview

“It’s all about water and we wanted to celebrate that”, commented Senior Level Designer Florian Busse at FarmCon. That’s why you’ll find piers, jetties, houseboats, restaurants floating on the river, and many more elements in Riverbend Springs to go along with the theme of the map. Perfect fit for adding rice and water physics, right?

History of Lands & Farms

In Riverbend Springs, you’ll come across some historic buildings and other elements of times gone by. The old grain elevator, a paper mill at the river or brick buildings how they were built a hundred years ago, for example.

Riverbend Springs Map Preview

Places to Visit

There are many nice spots in Riverbend Springs you might want to visit. Who knows what (or who) you’ll get to see when exploring.

There are construction sites, businesses buying your goods, and more. If you’re one to enjoy forests and nature, you might want to walk through the woods.

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