Enhanced Vehicle V1.1.3.1

EnhancedVehicle 1.1

This is a modification for Farming Simulator 25. It adds a “track assistant” (“GPS”) and a “snap to driving direction” feature, a parking brake, differential locks, wheel drive modes and improved hydraulics controls to your vehicle. It also shows more vehicle details on the HUD including a odo/tripmeter.

Known bugs

  • Probably a lot… please report them.

The HUD explained

EnhancedVehicle 1.12


Default Keybindings


Key Action
R Ctrl+Num / opens the config dialog to adjust various settings
Num Enter apply/release parking brake
R Ctrl+End snap to current driving direction or current track
R Ctrl+Home reverse snap/track direction (180°) (= turn around)
R Shift+Home change operational mode (snap to direction or snap to track)
press & hold for one second to disable snap assistant
R Ctrl+Num 1 re-calculate working width (e.g. spraying width changed)
R Ctrl+Num 2 re-calculate track layout (e.g. direction changed or working width changed)
R Ctrl+Num 3 cycle through the different show lines modes
R Ctrl+Num * cycle through the different headland modes
R Shift+Num / / Num * cycle through headland distances
R Ctrl+Num 4 / Num 6 decrease/increase the number of turnover tracks
R Shift+Num 4 / Num 6 move track layout to the left/right
R Ctrl+R Shift+Num - / Num + move track offset line to the left/right
R Alt+Num - / Num + decrease/increase track width
R Ctrl+Insert / Delete move vehicle one track to the right/left without turning around
R Ctrl+PageUp / PageDown increase/decrease snap/track direction by 1°
R Shift+PageUp / PageDown increase/decrease snap/track direction by 90°
R Ctrl+R Shift+PageUp / PageDown increase/decrease snap/track direction by 45°
R Ctrl+Num 5 Switch between overall kilometer counter or trip kilometer counter.
Press and hold to reset trip kilometer counter to 0
R Ctrl+Num 7 enable/disable front axle differential lock
R Ctrl+Num 8 enable/disable back axle differential lock
R Ctrl+Num 9 switch wheel drive mode between 4WD (four wheel drive) or 2WD (two wheel drive)
L Alt+1 rear attached devices up/down
L Alt+2 rear attached devices on/off
L Alt+3 front attached devices up/down
L Alt+4 front attached devices on/off

What this mod does


  • When the game starts, it changes all “motorized” and “controllable” vehicles on the map to default settings: wheel drive mode to “all-wheel (4WD)” and deactivation of both differentials.
  • Press Ctrl+Numpad / to open the config dialog.
  • Press R Shift+Home to enable the snap to direction or snap to track assistant.
    • Press & hold R Shift+Home one second or longer to disable the snap & track assistant completely.
  • Press R Ctrl+End to keep your vehicle driving in the current direction or on the current track.
    • Press R Ctrl+Home to reverse snap/track direction (e.g. to turn around at end of field).
  • Press R Ctrl+Numpad 2 to calculate a track layout based on current vehicle direction and implement working width.
    • If you now enable snap mode the vehicle will drive on the current marked track.
    • Press R Ctrl+Numpad 4/6 to adjust the turnover track number (from -5 to 5).
    • Configure headland behavior in configuration menu or via keys.
  • Press R Ctrl+Numpad 1 to (re-)calculate the working width. This will not change the current track layout.
  • Press Numpad Enter to put your vehicle in parking mode. It won’t move an inch in this mode.
  • On HUD it displays:
    • (When snap/track is enabled) The current snap to angle and current track and turnover number.
    • Damage values in % for controlled vehicle and all its attachments.
    • Fuel fill level for Diesel/AdBlue/Electric/Methane and the current fuel usage rate1.
    • The overall kilometer counter of the vehicle or the current trip kilometer.
    • The current status of the differential locks and wheel drive mode.
    • The current engine RPM and temperature1.
    • The current mass of the vehicle and the total mass of vehicle and all its attachments and loads.
  • Keybindings can be changed in the game options menu.

1 In multiplayer games, all clients, except the host, won’t display the fuel usage rate and engine temperature correctly due to GIANTS Engine limitations

What this mod doesn’t (fully) do


  • Work on consoles. Buy a PC for proper gaming.



4.8/5 - (10 votes)

Download mod

File File size
zip FS25_EnhancedVehicle_1_1_3_1 178 KB
zip FS25_EnhancedVehicle 168 KB

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how do i enable the hud to turn everything on


Mod seems to work in single player but not in multi on a server.


This mod is so extensive and detailed, that it should be made/setup in the SIM-Dashboard app, to create a proper overview?!

Last edited 2 months ago by SirAser

hello, can you make a menu, to put the damage and the fuel in the corner right?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x