Frankenmuth 25 (FS22 Originally) V1.2

Frankenmuth 25 (FS22 Originally) v1.0

Welcome to Frankenmuth Farming Map, this map is a Michigan, USA style farming map located near the city of Frankenmuth. Originally made for FS22 by TaylorFarms, I have adapted it for FS25. There are a few omissions from the original but there is still plenty to keep you busy!

Map has 41 fields ranging from small to large in size.

There are 2 small forest areas on the map for logging.

There multiple sell points, production facilities placed in the map and a train. No BGA placed.

The terrain on the map is mostly flat with some rolling hills, valleys, and ditches.

This the first release, the log files are clean but there may be the odd thing here and there.


Changelog 1.2:
Fixed shed doors
Main farm buildings now sellable



4.3/5 - (6 votes)

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zip FS25_Frankenmuth_Map_V1_2 643 MB

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Not for me, used this map FS22 and enjoyed it, but until I can remove the flagpole, the power pole and the stuff from over the road, the bale and shed decorations the map is not for me


no sales points, no production


some of the logs stay in the sky on wood transport


Thanks for the update and starting equipment. I played for a good portion of the day with out any issue, try the new version.


Thanks for the update & many thanks for making the start farm building sellable. Thank you for all your hard work porting it over to 25.


I did not get far, the starting farm, could not open or go in any buildings, could not sell them. Bad start, it’s a shame could be a good map, wait for an update.


Agree, great Map on 22 played it alot but not being able to sell any of the starting farm is a no for me, hope this will change in a future update? If not the I’ll pass. Thanks for bring it to 25.

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