Increased Fuel Prices V1.0

Increased Fuel Prices v1.0

Today’s fuel prices are a challenge for all farmers out there, even so in the virtual universe. These days it is more important than ever to choose your equipment visely, a big implement and powerful tractor means higher fuel consumption.
However, every cloud has a silver lining. If you produce your own fuel then you are the real winner, there has never been a better time to create your own biofuel!

* Fuel prices is increased with 30% to reflect the fuel economy situation of today. This also means you get 30% more if you sell your produced diesel!
* The value of AdBlue/DEF is increased by 30%.
* Diesel and DEF sell price is now also changing with the seasons (to enable seasonal variation on buy stations you need the Enhanced Seasonal Prices mod as well).
* The mass of diesel and AdBlue is now corrected to real values.


ZYX / w33zl

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