International 1190 mower conditioner V1.0

International 1190 mower conditioner V1.03

Need a dependable, fine cutting haybine to capture the energy contained in your feed crops? The International 1190 mower-conditioner is your answer! This haybine offers the robust ruggedness of any International product but offers gentle features to treat the leaves and stems of your crops with care. The 4 cammed reel brings your cut crop into the cord reinforced rolls to crimp and crush any stem to remove moisture efficiently. With the “over-the-top” frame design, your cutterbar has a better ability to glide across countors so each leaf makes it into the swath. For swathing you have the power to choose if you want a wide spread swath or a narrow windrow only by cranking the baffle lever on the side. With all of these features you have the choice between a 7′ or 9′ 1190 to match your needs.



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zip FS25_International_1190 17 MB

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