Nord Jylland V3.0

Nord Jylland6

I am excited to release my Danish map for you. This is a homemade map where the main area is Nord Jylland, Denmark. I have spent around 500 hours creating this map, and I truly hope you enjoy it!

Features of the map include:
2 Farms
1 Biogas Plant
1 Grain Mill
1 Shop
1 Workshop
1 Heating Plant

I hope you have a great time playing on my map.


-New farmhouses
-New slurry tanks
-Chicken farm added
-Collision fixed in the city

-More farms ( Cow and pigs)
-More selling places ( Sell all place and Arla)
-Fixed farm 1 and 2 (You have buildings and animal places)
-Field 40 is stubble
-Fixed flying trees
-Fixed Sawmill
-Fixed Collision at shop
-Removed Twister and European Weather
-Fixed Collison at DLG



4.4/5 - (18 votes)

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File File size
rar NordJylland_UdPak_V3 1 GB

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The Farmer

Doesn’t work… map now showing up when creating a new game


This map is based on New Frontier, as such it, would be appropriate to reference that it was built off of another map in the mod description.


Looks great ! Er selv fra Danmark, så fedt at se noget lokalt. 😀


Ability to remove barns and bunker silos is nice… would be nice if you could remove the slurry pits as well. I don’t use them… ever.

Sir Edward Grey

Hi. the steps and walkway between the silage pits at the BGA have no colour/texture. they are plain white

Tommy Korsgaard

Hjælp.. kan man ikke får gården til at så man kan sove i den. går 1 og 2 elser ser det godt ud. “har osse prøvet at slete gården men ugen hel” så man kunne sætte et andet hus osse tså måske en bredere port i maskinhalleren

michael jensen

a nice map but unfortunately there are a lot of errors in the log file

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