Large fields with a large Forrest in game sell points and productions installed big piece of land in the middle of the map for a farmyard and animal husbandry.
Version v1.1
added building to main start farm, Removed starting vehicles for now, Removed floating npc, fixed lua error, fixed spawning into placeables when visiting farmlands
Map files are corrupted. Loaded this map and then game would only load to 97%. Files verified, top of line PC specs….issue lies with the map files.
all the Richmond maps are buggy on reload for some stupid reason sadly. map has a lot of potential though if the creator can fix the bugs, i tried all the different versions and same on all of them.
Is there going to be any more updates for this map?
great map but when you do wood transport contact the wood stays in sky so u cant complete the contact
just a heads up there are people in the sky,if you look up you can see them
After the upgrade, it seems that there is no option to borrow items when taking contracts
Finally, a map that doesn’t have 100 fields.
do u have to start a new game for the up date