Map with terrain from the Lindlar region:
After a lot of back and forth, here’s the final version.
“The map has no friends.”
That’s how you could describe this map. In my opinion, it’s not something for a quick playthrough.
You’ll need a few mods:
3 that you install manually, and the rest will be downloaded by the map from the ModHub.
Technically, the map is error-free. Visually, there are some flaws, but I personally find them acceptable.
At the agricultural machinery dealership, there is no spawn point for unconfiguring and repairing vehicles, as 90% of users build their workshop on their farm anyway.
Similarly, there are no pre-built farmyards.
The cost of farmland is structured as follows:
Simple meadow/pasture: €40,000 per hectare
Arable land: €160,000 per hectare
Forest areas: €400,000 per hectare
Quarry farmland (ID 201) costs around €1.2 million for 2.11 hectares
Biogas plant farmland (ID 203) costs around €1.8 million for 1.53 hectares
There are 8 hotspots on the map where original farmyards are located.
So, everything is quite expensive, which increases the economic appeal, especially on “Hard” difficulty.
So, it’s almost done
Thanks to Sascha from AustriaModding, almost all the errors have been fixed. In the last few days, he has installed a completely new base map and has been doggedly tracking down all the errors.
A huge thank you from me for that.:thank you::thank you::thank you::thank you::thank you:
Now for the changes
Completely new base map
Standard ground angle
Lime layer intact
Extended ground textures now also in-game
New icons for dairy cattle and agricultural machinery trade
New icons for the farms, expansion in progress
Road surface repainted
Grass re-set
Trees should all be on the ground
Error fixed that was spamming the log when threshing
New repair ramp
Installation of the new modding buildings
MORE TREES is no longer required
New save game required!!!!
I hope this is the last time, in the next 3 days only hotfixes will be made in the area of grass, bushes and textures on the side of the road
The following changes
Traffic added, more splines to follow
Pedestrian added, more splines to follow
Info layer reduced in size, even fertilization
More decorative items added :fan:
Unfortunately again with a new save game, experienced users may be lucky and can use theirs, but WITHOUT GUARANTEE!!,
As soon as the lime layer works, it is possible to use the SG
Lime layer still defective (without help it will stay that way)
The following changes:
Complete folder structure renewed and streamlined, almost 500mb
Hotspots added for plots (will be expanded)
Hotspot for quarry added
On request from the community, only the following mods are necessary
PlanET Modular BGA
Tony’s Tankeck
Cowshed Pack
Old Farm Pack
No Tree Limit
Lime Factory
Rescue Station
Addable Triggers
Placeable Hedges
Farm Pack Volume 3
In addition, some more hedges were installed, decorations were added
Harbor rebuilt
Shader revised, you should now have decent shadows at night again. Shadows are also OK again during the day when testing, if you have any problems please let me know
Known errors
Kalklayer still faulty
Vehicle shop in the wrong position on the map, I can’t get rid of it, if you want to try it…….
You now spawn in front of the vehicle shop.
New SG required because there were terrain adjustments.
All 255 farmlands can currently be purchased via console, there are problems with the edges of the plot (you can’t build right up to the edge, I don’t know why)
modDesc changed
Houses at field 37 fixed :fan:
dependency removed (strawberry is no longer needed) (premium strawberries production) field 217 is therefore free for other things
dependency removed (distillery/winery, as selling the goods is not possible without changing the XML) (production expansion) plots of land can be bought freely
various requests implemented
A big thank you to everyone who helps 🙂 :thank you:
Savegame transfer not secured, start over as a precaution, sorry but beta status. I’m working on making it possible to transfer the savegames
Pda will retain Google status
New savegame required, sorry
A farmer’s market has been added to the harbor so that your goods can be sold. Another known problem, no goods from the distillery 😥
Various terrain adjustments
Farmland 214. using the map to visit, places you inside the Oil Mill
There is some kind of mismatch between the mod FS25_Rettungswache and what the map is looking for. Despite downloading the mod. it is not being recognised as present when attempting to start the save.
As a workaround for me, I’ve gone into my map zip and removed the dependency from the moddesc.xml file.
Could someone please help, I have downloaded all Mod’s associated with this Map. When the Map loads, I have a message telling me “This Map needs the Mod Stanis Lifeguard,” I have checked and I believe it to be the rettungswache (Rescue Station) Mod which I’ve download with all the required Mod’s, when I delete this Mod from my Mod folder and try to load the Map, I get the Message I need the rettungswache Mod! I feel I am going around in circles. Any help to resolve this would be really appreciated.
Hi Garry, my workaround was to open ModDesc.xml in the map zip and delete the dependency line for the
If the file name is, change it to This worked for me.
I agree with Superhuff. Theres nothing more dispointing after downloading a Map to find you need to go looking for a whole bunch of Mod’s, for that reseason I didn’t even bother load up the Map.
If you are going to require a bunch of additional mods, they need to be embedded into the download.
can you add pictures of the map, how it looks and the lands? Thank you.