North German Island V1.0.7

North German Island 1.0

Welcome back to the North German island.

Some of you may know the map from LS22. But I built the map completely from scratch, only the roads are roughly the same as in 22.

19 fields
6 meadows
2 farms
Farm 1: cowshed, multi-fruit silo, greenhouse, silo and 3 shelters
Farm 2: 2 cowsheds, 2 shelters, farmhouse, multi-fruit silo, 2 silos
2 sales points
1 production (dairy)
You can take a ferry to another island where the cattle dealer is located.

Have fun


Version 1.0.7
Minor bug fixes
No new save game required

Everything is now available for purchase, so you can now build and modify the map yourself as you wish.

Version 1.0.5
Bridge to yard 1 removed
German license plates added
Sleep trigger added to yard 1

Version 1.0.2
If you walk through the water you now create waves.
No new save game necessary.

-Fields do not all have field entrances, as not every field has a driveway in reality.
-Tree-lined avenue to the farm 2 trees rotated and changed so that it does not look unrealistic.
-Intersection textures were missing.
-Created a small pull-out area in front of bridges to the fields.
-Trees rotated on roads so that you do not drive into them with the tractor.
-About the map edge: It is always difficult to design a map edge in LS nicely and on this map I put trees on the edge so that you cannot see the edge so much. Playing or standing behind these trees is not intended, which is why there is only grass and water after them.
Many thanks for the quick response.



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File File size
zip FS25_NorddeutschInselV1_7 51 MB

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