Small Production Pack V1.0

Small Production Pack v1.0

Bakery FAST
[+] Customized cycles per month 1200
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Bakery OP
[+] Customized cycles per month 3600
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Canned Packaged Factory Fast
[+] Customized cycles per month 1200
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Canned Packaged Factory OP
[+] Customized cycles per month 3600
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Carpenter Fast
[+] Customized cycles per month 1200
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Carpenter OP
[+] Customized cycles per month 3600
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Dairy Fast
[+] Customized cycles per month 1200
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Dairy OP
[+] Customized cycles per month 3600
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Grain Flour Mill Fast
[+] Customized cycles per month 1200
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Grain Flour Mill OP
[+] Customized cycles per month 3600
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Grain Flour Mill Fast
[+] Customized cycles per month 1200
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Grain Flour Mill OP
[+] Customized cycles per month 3600
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Oil Plant Fast
[+] Customized cycles per month 1200
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Oil Plant OP
[+] Customized cycles per month 3600
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Sawmill Fast
[+] Customized cycles per month 1200
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Sawmill OP
[+] Customized cycles per month 3600
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Spinnery Fast
[+] Customized cycles per month 1200
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Spinnery OP
[+] Customized cycles per month 3600
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Sugar Mill Fast
[+] Customized cycles per month 1200
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage

Sugar Mill O.P
[+] Customized cycles per month 3600
[+] Adapted recipes
[+] Adjusted capacity storage



5/5 - (2 votes)

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File File size
zip FS25_Small_Production_Pack 49 MB

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When you say ‘Small Production’ does this only work for the mini-production buildings or all of the production buildings?


Hello. Please UPDATE the cycles, you don’t have update every production cycles, i think you have forget it. But the idea of the mod ist top

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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